Game of the Week | Riptide GP Renegade

Riptide GP Renegade

Developer: Vector Unit

Publisher: Vector Unit

Size: 105.4 MB

Release Date: 2016

Genre: Racing

Compatibility: Android, iOS, Xbox One, PS4, Windows 10

Riptide GP Renegade was made by the same company that made Hydro Thunder which means you can expect some great graphics and game play. I picked up this game for iOS for i believe $2.99 and it was definitely worth the small price tag. I didn't know anything about it prior to buying it but had recently watched an episode of Game Sack on YouTube where Joe and Dave were talking about Wave Race 64 and I had to find something similar to play on my phone!

This definitely filled a gap for me. The fast pace racing and deep tricks arsenal made this game a lot of fun to play. It does have a bit of a story as well which involves you and an arch rival and your revenge by beating your rival in a series of races. In the end the story is definitely an after thought. The meat and potatoes is all in the racing. Check out my Positives & Negatives below.



- Great Graphics! I caught myself thinking I was gaming on a PS Vita with the graphic on my iPhone 6s Plus

- Gameplay: easy to learn and easy to play

- Extensive story line: which gave me several hours of game play.

- Game modes: there is more than just racing a big aspect of the game is doing tricks as well.



- There was an upfront cost of $2.99 but other than that you don't have to spend another dime.

- The Story... was silly but bareable.




What do you think? Have you tried this game yet? 

What About That One Scene...

Hello again nerds and nerdettes and welcome to another post by your favorite bearded nerd! With all the movies coming out lately, it's been really tough to choose what has been a favorite or what has even made that "Top 5" on the list. Maybe some of them haven't been the greatest or lived up to what we hoped. But every one of them have had scenes that sent chills down our spines and we'll never forget. And with that brings me to our main topic. Our favorite scenes of all time!

I'm going to start with the scene that really started it all. What made me believe that a man could fly. No matter who has played the greatest superhero of all time, Christopher Reeve will forever be Superman. Just the moment in itself when Superman first arrives. Accompanied with John Williams unforgettable Superman theme. Though this was released before I was even a thought in my parents minds it still sends chills through me. 


My second favorite scene is a little newer but I still love it. And as cheesey as the line was, "It's Spider-Man!" gets me! I've always had a soft spot for Spidey, being a big DC supporter. And the first two movies were great. But the first time I saw Spider-Man on the big screen, gave me quite the chill


My last scene may be controversial one. But every time I watch it, it brings a tear to my eye. Being a hero is never easy. Especially when every move you make is questioned by people that either love you or fear you. But what defines a hero? Doing the right thing all the time? Saving cats from trees and helping little old ladies across the street? Or making the ultimate sacrifice for mankind? Superman knew what he had to do. And by doing so, made others believe, not just in themselves, but in humanity all together.


I even asked my nerd life colleagues what their favorite scenes were and here's what they had to say...


For me it was during Michael Keaton's portrayal of '89 Batman, deep into the movie Batman comes flying onto the scene where the Joker was having his impromptu parade. The parade featured balloons filled with the Joker's special mix of gas. Batman flew onto scene in his Batwing taking each of the balloons safely away from the citizens of Gotham. But during this scene you see the Batwing climb through the clouds right before it's decent back to Gotham filling the full moon perfectly illuminating the bat signal across the clouds.... oooooooooh yeah!



My chill moments come when characters are at their lowest moment and in that moment, they choose to believe in each other. In this scene, all hope is lost but our heroes decide to take one last stand and ride out in glory to their certain death. They ride out together, fighting off their enemies. Not for themselves, but for each person next to them. And at the last second, before they all die, the tide of the battle changes because of their friends and comrades show up. Then, together, they defeat evil. Together, they do something they could have never done alone.



First Scene

The raw sadness from Cedric's death and Harry refusing to let go. In the book, Cedric's dad is OBSESSED. He's so so so proud so its heart wrenching.


Second Scene

It's everyone coming together. You really see the magic the castle is capable of and you see it flex it's muscles and the extent of the magic and grounds. It's amazing. These are KIDS fighting adults!



I have two scenes that come to mind. The first scene I can think of is in Avengers: Age of Ultron when the Vision picks up Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer). Knowing the MCU and comics, as most people do, that only the most worthy person can wield it, it still gives me goosebumps to see someone other than Thor pick it up in the movies. Then I laugh, literally every time, when you see the look of confusion and stunned silence on everyone's face.


Second scene I can think of is when Star Lord (Peter Quill) ends up being able to hold the infinity stone long enough to defeat Ronan. And I loved the scene that he's holding it, but the rest of GOTG come to his aid and then band up to share the power. So freaking good! I got chills while typing both of these and pulling up the links! :)



So... what's YOUR favorite scene of all time? Are any of these your favorite scenes? Be sure to share!







Funko GO! | It's Like Pokemon GO, But More Fun!


Hi everyone! Lorne here. It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything regarding Funko related. Normally, I’m writing Funko reviews on new products that have come out. However, this time, I want to take a different approach. This is NOT a review on products. But rather, a way to take your love of Funko, meeting people, going to new and fun places and wrapping it all up in a pretty package and tying it with a bow!

One thing that I’ve recently gotten into is doing scenic pictures with Funko in the foreground (or background, depending on what you like). Now, this isn’t a new concept and I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of them in the Funko community via social media. What’s fun about it though, is that there’s a Funko for every situation! If you are an avid collector like I am (230 Funko and counting!), then you aren’t exactly limited on who to take with you to your destination! Normally, if I’m going to be out visiting several places in a day, or making a day-long trip to Disneyland, I figure out what Funko I’d find either cute, funny, or “just right” for the places I’m going.

The thing that makes it a lot more fun, is when taking the pictures and getting your fun shots, you NEVER know who you might run into. I almost always meet a Funko collector when I’m taking pictures of my characters at Disneyland. It’s so fun to meet new people via the Funko community when you’re out in everyday life and just enjoying the day. You’ll meet fun people, get into great talks about what got them into collecting, compare your Funko numbers, etc.

So, like the title says, GO!!! Add a little extra enjoyment into your daily life and take a Funko with you for the day! Take fun pictures. I guarantee you will meet people who share your love of Funko. But of course, don’t forget to post your fun Funko Scenes on social media. Get other people into doing it, meet people in your area and go on Funko adventures. You just might even meet someone who’s willing to go on a fun excursion to different malls and go Funko Hunting!

Have fun out there!!!

DC in Crisis?

Hello again nerds and nerdettes! Sorry I've been away for so long. Life can happen in the blink of an eye if you're not careful. I've missed you all and am happy to say that your favorite bearded nerd is back with all kinds of opinions, reviews and stories to share. Speaking of sharing, I recently joined the Instagram word! So give me a follow at Thee.bearded.Nerd for silly pictures and cool happenings in my life!

In the time of my absence, there has been a lot of talk about DC Comics and how they seem to be failing in making their mark with their movies. Too much hype but lacking, too dark, no real plot....etc. etc. Also, they recently "rebooted" their entire comic book line with what they're now calling their "Rebirth" stories. It would seem that DC is in turmoil and just can't gain any traction on getting their good company name back in the mainstream. That's if you listen to those so called "true believers" or "Marvelites". Those that never followed a DC comic’s story will say that DC is hurting.

Truth of the matter is this; DC is doing just fine. Their characters have never been more popular and their movies are setting records. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice came in at $872.7 million. But yet, the movie was just awful and still makes more than I'll ever see in 5 lifetimes. And Suicide Squad has made $384 million....and still counting. Will it make as much as BvS? Probably not. But, once again, a terrible movie. That is, if you want to listen to those hacks over at rotten tomatoes or metacritic. Both websites reviewed the two films the exact same. 27% by rotten tomatoes and 44% by metacritic. Granted, comic book movies don't really rank high on a movie reviewers list anyway but that's just a bit of coincidence if you ask me.

In my opinion, DC movies have been nothing but great. I fell in love with Superman all over again, Ben Affleck jumped way up the list of favorite actors to play Batman and Gal Gadot can only go up from here as far as Wonder Woman goes. Suicide Squad was just as enjoyable to watch as well! So, I don't understand how one can say that these movies were as bad as the entire internet is screaming. And now, with the trailers for Justice League and Wonder Woman released, it has made me even more excited to see my brand, the DC brand, come to power. DC in crisis? More like DC is just getting started.


What do you think, is DC in Crisis? Do you like the DC films they have recently put out?

Let us know in the comments below.


Posted by: Dustin

Black Superman Suit?


I sent this out to the writers of to get their thoughts on the picture Henry Cavill shared. Here is what they had to say:


"It's the black suit. I'm excited to see it. But remember, we did get a little glimpse of Superman in a black suit in Man of Steel. So we kinda already know what it will look like. Either way, Superman in a black suit, with longer hair and a beard??? This bearded nerd approves!"


"Long hair and bearded? Meow!"


"I'm not much of a Superman fan but I always knew he wanted to be like Batman! No but seriously it will look awesome."


"Technically it's fine. But I more so have an issue with putting it out there that he will be in a movie in this suit. When he is supposed to be dead. I want them to keep it a secret as long as they can. We are like over a year out from the movie and we are already getting major plot points. To me it shows DC's desperateness to get its fans back and excited about the future. After they just had two not so good movies (I know some loved them and that's fine) but overwhelmingly people will say they're not the best movies in the world. DC needs home runs right now, not base hits."

Here is the first time we saw the black superman suit that Dustin was referring to. 

Adam West, Burt Ward & Julie Newmar in New Batman Animated Movie!

They are back!!! Listening to this trailer made me think of the good ole days when I was younger watching re-runs of '66 Batman episodes!  We are thoroughly looking forward to this coming out October 11th and I also kind of want a microwave meal as well. The little dinosaur nugget ones with a never cooked all the way brownie! 

What do you think do you like this animated / retro mashup? Will you be watching it? Less us know in the comments below. 





Game of the Week | Stack


Developer:  Ketchap

Publisher:  Ketchap

Size:  54.7MB

Release Date:  February 17th 2016


Stack is one of those simple yet frustrating games, kind of like Flappy Bird was that makes you want to throw your phone through the wall! All you do is stack the blocks up and up and up they go to get to your highest total! The goal is simply get as many blocks as you can then keep on playing this addictive game til you beat your previous high score! Below are a few of the Positives & Negatives about the game.




- F2P and the only thing I've noticed is a few ads, so it's actually Free! 

- Quick and easy gameplay, need to fill a 5 minute void? This will do the trick.


- You can only stack so much before you move on to something else

- Hole in my wall due to stacking frustration


So what do you think? What's your high score in Stack? 




