All New Hawkeye #1: Review



Debuting in comic shops this week is the “All New Hawkeye” Issue 1.  I hear you asking now, what about “Hawkeye” 22?  Well that's a good question that I don't have an answer for.  I know personally I loved the Hawkeye series that was brought to us by Matt Fraction.  It was really great and yet here we are starting with Hawkeye all over again.  Oh Marvel, what are you doing to us?  

I thought I'd do a review of “Hawkeye” since we just got the third and probably final trailer for “The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.”  I don't think I'm alone here, but shut up and take my money, and why isn't it May yet?  

This series seems to be the spiritual successor to Matt Fraction's series.  For me, this first issue was just as enjoyable as Hawkeye 22.  The sarcastic humor wasn't quite the same, but there definitely was humor in this issue.  Not the kind of humor that makes you laugh out loud, but certainly a smiling to yourself kind of funny, at least that was my experience.  Considering the side story and the end, the subject matter was relatively light.  Clint Barton and Katie Bishop are fighting their way through a Hydra base for S.H.I.E.L.D.  They are searching for secret weapons that were supposed to be located on the base. However, they aren't too happy with their mission since they aren't able to find the weapons.

In between the action, we get an origin story of sorts.  We are given a picture of a young Clint and Barney Barton in their foster home in Iowa...score one for my home state!  The art displayed during these flashbacks is done quite well.  It really feels as though you are watching a flashback scene from a movie and it's like a dreamlike sequence to these scenes.  Later in the issue, a bloody red coloring is used to symbolize the child abuse taking place inside of the house.  For me, as a father, I thought this was a really great way to show the brutality without actually depicting a child being beaten.  

In the “now” panels, you get the same type of art that would be familiar to anyone who was a fan of the earlier “Hawkeye” series.  This art was well done and it really pulls the reader into the actions.  The colors are very vivid and the attention to detail is spectacular.  


Some people might be hesitant to pick this up, especially those who loved Fraction's series.  I have to admit that I was pretty unsure about getting this, but you won't disappointed if you take a chance and get it. I have to say that this issue was a lot of fun and I'll definitely be picking issue number two up in April.


Posted by: Jeff @jeff201